Friday 4 December 2009

Author Sites.

Today I'm going to post links to the sites of some of my favourite authors. I'll try to post a variety of genres so there's options for everyone.

Author: Tamora Pierce
Genre: All of her books are fantasy, usually for Young Adults. However, they often contain elements of Adventure, Romance, Mystery, and even political intrigue like in the Trickster series.
Website: Tamora Pierce
Series: She mostly writes her series in quartets. Some of these are: The Song of the Lioness quartet, The Immortals quartet, and the Circle of Magic quartet.
My Favourties: I love The Circle of Magic series, and the sequel series The Circle Opens. I also really like one of her newest series, The Beka Cooper series. But all of her books are really great, and I'd definitely recommend them.

Author: MaryJanice Davidson
Genre: Romance, usually with strong elements of humour. Some fantasy, some AU (alternate universe/alternate history), adventure, and a few sci-fi.
Website: Welcome to MaryJanice
Series: The Undead series (a.k.a. Betsy the Vampire), The Mermaid series (a.k.a. Fred the Mermaid series), The Wyndham Werewolf series, The Gorgeous series, and The Royal series. She also has the Jennifer Scales series for YA.
My Favourites: I love The Royal Series. It's totally romance, and totally hilarious. An American woman gets stranded in Alaska (which in the books is it's own country instead of part of the U.S.) after getting fired from the cruise liner she works on. She ends up meeting Alaska's King, Al, who drags her home with him to meet family - especially the Crown Prince, David. I'd also have to recommend the Fred the mermaid series, which is also incredibly funny.

Author:Mercedes Lackey.
Genre:Fantasy, Romance, Sci-Fi, Fairy Tales re-written, Adventure,
Website:Mercedes Lackey - The Official Website
Series: Lackey has an insane number of books written. Her most famous is probably the her Heralds of Valdemar series (which is made up of about 10 sub-series). Also worth checking out are her Five Hundred Kingdoms series, Elemental Masters series, Elves on the Road series, Dragon Jousters, and Bardic Voices series.
My Favourites: Pretty much all the series I mentioned above. I do have 3 favourites, though - I really like the Valdemar books, and the Elemental Masters series. I also like the Elves on the Road Series.

Author: James Moore
Genre: Horror.
Website: Horror of Horrors - The Official Website for James A. Moore.
Series: Serenity Falls trilogy. He also has several stand-alone books, although they often share common characters and appear to share a 'universe'.
My Favourites: My favourite books he's written is The Dark Carnival, the third book in his Serenity Falls Trilogy. It is a really creepy book, even to read in the day time. Moore's descriptions really draw you in and make the characters and situations real. The books will stick in your mind days after you've finished reading them. I think one of the factors I found the most disturbing was that a lot of the stuff that happens isn't from monsters or demons - it's from what the everyday human characters are willing to do with just a little nudge from outside forces.

I'll add more another time, so I hope you have fun reading!

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